Nyah Rosado
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$ 0 Donated
0 Donations
0% of $500.00 Goal


Legacy's Goal: $200,000


1 - Please go to the Giving Zone website and find your athlete’s team name.

2 - Once you find his/her team, click on your athlete’s name.

3 - Pledge or donate on the website with a credit card or submit money directly to Legacy.

4-Once you get to your athlete’s page, save the link in the address bar to share the page and make it easier for others to donate or pledge to your child’s goal.

Two Ways to Donate:

1) “Per Serve” Pledge (30 serves will be attempted!)

Donors pledging “per serve” will input the amount being donated for each successful serve on the Giving Zone website and will receive an email to pay after their athlete completes their 30 serves at practice. You can pay online or send money in directly to Legacy to then be logged into the website by Ben Piacquadio. Pledgers must honor their commitment to count toward your fundraising total. If a pledge is not honored, it will have to be deleted and will change athlete’s amount fundraised.

2) One Time Donation

Donor can send in a check to Legacy or use the credit card payment option on the Giving Zone website to donate to an athlete regardless of how many successful serves they achieve. Checks are manually input into the website once they have cleared so that you can monitor your fundraising progress.

Athlete Benchmark Rewards:

Each Legacy athlete will receive the following for achieving set benchmarks:

$150 - Legacy Serve-a-thon T-shirt

$500 - Legacy Serve-a-thon Sweatshirt, Drawstring Bag + all of the above

$1,000 - Social Media Recognition and Clinic with Coach Jay + all of the above

$1,500 - Customized Legacy jersey with last name on the back + all of the above

$2,000 - Invitation for athlete + guest to sports banquet to be honored at the event + all of above

Vendor Sponsorship Reward:

Local vendors donating $250 in our Vendor Sponsorships Team will receive an advertising spot on the back of each of our Legacy Serve-a-thon t-shirts for the event.

*We encourage check submissions to avoid website and credit card fees being taken away from our fundraising efforts.*


I play for Legacy Volleyball Club - Please help me reach my goal! You can show your support by making a one-time donation now or by making a pledge per INBOUND serve.